
Whats On

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Our selection of performance and cultural experiences are available for touring and presentation.

Bukjeh on ABC

Each year around the world thousands of people migrate in the hope of securing a better future for themselves. Many families do not have a choice or are forced to leave their homes because of war, conflict or natural disasters. On arrival, faced with the enormous task of adapting into a new community, memories can fade and customs can be forgotten..

Stories of Home

Bukjeh roughly translates to ‘a small pack of belongings carried by travellers and refugees’. Our mission is to empower people to share their art and stories which have the magic to connect themselves and communities to a piece of home


We cherish diversity in everything Bukjeh is and does, in all our people, in all their rich identities, in all their stories. We embrace and respect diversity of background, experience, ideas, thought and feelings.

Empowerment and equality

Through our stories, art and all other endeavours, Bukjeh works to build social cohesion and harmony. We empower our artists to share their diversity of experience. We work to build visibility, engagement, and inclusion of those who have been displaced.

A thousand forms of storytelling

We embrace and support the diverse range of storytelling forms, which can include any variety of diverse elements from a person’s culture, including spoken word, music, songs, visual arts and language.

Artists as story leaders

Bukjeh empowers the artists to be leaders of their own story. They will choose which story to tell and why, and express it in the manner of their choosing. Artists may wish to share their stories widely, or not publicly at all.


Presenter Partners & Supporters