Ahlan-The Welcome Project

A research project investigating the challenges that Muslim and Arab artists and communities face in creating, accessing, and engaging with art in Australia. We want your help to explore this issue and we are here to listen to your thoughts and questions about this topic.

Ahlan project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.

Australia is home to citizens, asylum seekers, and refugees who come from over 55 Muslim countries around the world.
Almost 400,000 people in Australia come from 25 Arabic-speaking countries. Despite the sizable community in this country, it is worrying to see the lack of art and artistic spaces created by and for these communities. We are talking to Muslim and Arab artists, community members, and art sector decision-makers to discuss the lack of engagement and modes for proper communication with Muslim and Arab artists and communities in Victoria.
And your input is so appreciated.
We are also conducting surveys, interviews, and focus groups to learn more about the difficulties art organisers face in reaching and engaging Arab/Muslim communities and artists. So please let us know if you would like to support us further.
We are interested to hear about the challenges facing Arab/Muslim audiences.
We will be looking at how we can ensure families, mothers, and young people feel welcome in arts and culture experiences around Victoria.
The research and conversations will be compiled and produced into a podcast, a series of video interviews, and written resources that will help Victorian Arab/Muslim communities gain access to arts and culture experiences that are culturally appropriate.
As well as support presenters to program work that is culturally appropriate to their local communities.
  • Victorian Organisations
  • Our Audience
  • ايها الحضور الكريم

Dear Programmers
Help us to build the bridge between you and our people

Dear Audience
Please, help us make art more accessible to you
A play
  • A play
  • A musical concert
  • A movie
  • A festival
  • A poetry night
  • A nasheed night
  • Halaqa
  • Eid event close by
  • Eid event far away
  • Arabic/non-arabic language event
  • Pop up or council activation

ايها الحضور الكريم
من فضلك ، ساعدنا في جعل الفن في متاحا للجميع
  • مسرحية
  • عرض موسيقي
  • فيلم
  • مهرجان
  • امسية شعرية
  • A nasheed night
  • Halaqa
  • Eid event close by
  • Eid event far away
  • Arabic/non-arabic language event
  • Pop up or council activation